Wednesday, June 26, 2024

FDA approves home electroshock for kids

1 comment:

  1. Fake Science + Junk Medicine = Big Bucks
    Interview with Peter Breggin MD
    Just when you think it can’t get any crazier…
    The FDA – which sends swarms of armed agents to harass doctors who are actually healing people – just gave approval to a home devise that shocks the brain that they say is safe for “treating” ADHD.
    Introducing the “Monarch eTNS” – quietly approved for use in April 2019.
    The company that makes it is headed by a former oil company CEO, a friend of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and one of those rare Americans knighted by the Queen of England. It’s being financed by your tax dollars and one of the most sued neurosurgeons in Southern California with a friendly assist from Mind Control U (aka UCLA.)
    The technology is based on garbage science and has no medical justification whatsoever, but it’s guaranteed to make the promoters some money and open the door to even more ghastly abuses
    Currently, Brasscheck is the ONLY one with a depth story.
    For more information:
